
TR-P216 超豪華記憶棉旅行U枕



TR-P216 Soft & Cozy Memory Foam Travel Pillow Features: . Unique Design for your comfort . Soft and firm memory foam inner . Ergonomic design and light weight . Fits snugly around head & neck . Reduces neck strain on long journeys . Can be folded into small size . Material: Premium sports cotton TR-P216 超豪华记忆棉旅行U枕 特点: * 舒适独特的外观设计 * 枕芯为柔软耐用的记忆棉 * 特别的人体工学设计让头部和颈部在使用时更舒适 * 减少长途旅行时颈部的紧张压力和紧迫感 * 可卷折成小尺寸,易收纳 * 枕套材质:高档运动棉